Sunday, April 24, 2011

Groundbreaking Florals

Almost a year ago, I went to visit my college professor,  Ms. Leak for advice and direction.  I was freaking out about a project I had to do as part of the interview process for my current job. I had to choose a category and one of several very specific customers to design a collection for. This line needed to fit their needs relative to their lifestyle, career, etc. while  also staying relevant to the current trends for the season.  The season I chose was Spring 2011 which we are currently in.

I believe it was May of last year when Ms. Leak pulled out her TOBE reports and we chatted about what was to come.  I probably should have been more aware of what was in sight for Spring 2011, but I was very busy at the time with my other job and worrying about whether or not I was ever going to have a career in design!  Sooo we turned to the experts - trend forecasters. 

The TOBE report was right on! When I was told that there was going to be this HUGE nordic trend coming for last fall, I was a little skepical...quite honestly didn't really even know what the word Nordic meant or translated to  in relation to fashion and apparel. However, I open Vogue for one of the early Fall issues and the Dolce add is nothing but beautiful Scandinavian Models in snow gear and fair isle knits.

Then we moved on to discuss Spring to which Ms. Leak said their was going to be a huge Garden party statement. what immediately comes to mind is Miranda Priestly's quote from Devil Wears Prada - "Florals? For spring? Ground Breaking!"  However, I've seen more florals in the market, on the runways, and out in the fashion buzz than ever. What I love about the Garden Party concept is mixing in lace, silk, bustier/derby style silhouettes, and all things lady-like to give the season more of a specific identity and over all statement rather than a general florals theme.  The way you can update your florals to be more relevant to today's current trends are by finding those with a vintage feel or watercolor technique. I'm also seeing many florals that have more of a hand-drawn or sketchy feel and look. We are developing many of these types of prints and patterns in bedding for Home as well.  You can see the free part of the TOBE review for Spring here:

Seeing as it is Easter and are a few of the items I would combine for Easter Sunday if I could go all out! Don't you sometimes wish the norm would be to get all dolled up and dressed to the nines like the old days?!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shop so you don't drop!

According to a recent study in Taiwan, shopping can actually help older people live longer!  65 yrs old and above should shop at least once a week in order to "reduce their mortality risk" by %28(men), and %23(women)...I'm all of a sudden looking forward to the other side of the hill!

If I had endless funds and could speak French, I would shop the designers on this site.

This is a website Arbia Smiti, a friend of a friend in Paris created to feature some amazing talent. The fashion is AMAZING...each designer is very distinguished with his or her own look, and all set apart from one another - props to Arbia or whoever hand picked this crop of artists. What I love is they all not only get their vision/aesthetic across, but execute the line very tastefully. Every piece is very bold and makes a huge statement, but I would actually wear it!  I couldn't pick a favorite designer, but here is my favorite look of each brand. Check out this site and give yourself a break just browsing through the beauty...unless you speak French. In that case, read and get back to me on your findings!